
New York City Department of Education School Survey (Marketing)

New York City Department of Education School Survey Promotional Campaign

Big Response in the Big Apple

Every year the NYC School Survey asks parents, students, and teachers to express their views on communication, academic expectations, engagement, and safety at their schools. Each school receives a customized report that shows how it compares to other schools and where it can improve its performance.

The goal of this engagement was to motivate as many people as possible among the extremely diverse target audience to complete the survey. We used the “big apple” to connect and express both education and New York City. The survey mailing arrived in homes in a bright green outer envelope that also replaces the apple’s leaf in the image. This bold, simple symbolism grabbed audience members’ attention—whether their native language was English, Spanish, Urdu, or Haitian Creole. Campaign messages were included in various languages representing student family populations.


Client Success
The survey reached a record response rate of 45 percent, with almost 850,000 parents, teachers, and students assessing how well their schools were serving them—an increase of more than 40,000 respondents—five percent more than the previous year.

Campaign concept and design
Survey mailing
School poster
Subway poster
Phone kiosk poster
Student and teacher postcards and flyer