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NorthShore University HealthSystem Foundation (Development)

NorthShore University HealthSystem Foundation
Personalized Medicine at NorthShore

End trial-and-error medicine forever.

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Grillo Group’s first engagement with NorthShore Foundation was to articulate a case for philanthropic support focused on NorthShore’s leadership in implementing personalized—also known as genomic—medicine.

Such a comprehensive case for giving had never been attempted before. It ranged across the entire enterprise from primary care to highly complex subspecialties to pharmacogenomics, information technology, and world-renowned research and innovation.  

To develop a truly compelling case for support, we first took a deep dive into the subject matter to learn as much as possible about the evolution and impact of NorthShore’s groundbreaking application of personalized medicine on such an enormous scale. Our deeper understanding of the “reason to give” came in our interviews and interactions with the stakeholders in this still emerging area of medicine. This included building internal consensus among physician-scientists, organizational leaders, and gift officers as well as gaining the perspectives of those who had benefited from NorthShore’s brand of genomic medicine—patients, their families, and other potential donors. 

Through our multidimensional approach, we articulated the key attributes, core messaging, and relevant stories that brought the case for giving to life with simplicity and strength. The thematic underpinning of the case offers a glimpse into how messaging played out.

End trial-and-error medicine forever.
Unlocking the human genome has enabled breakthroughs in the practice of medicine unimagined just a few years ago. NorthShore has stayed on the leading edge of this movement since the start, but now we have reached an inflection point—a unique opportunity and the unique qualifications to make even greater discoveries and clinical advancements that will help today’s patients and generations yet to come live healthier, longer lives. Your gift will help us deliver on the promise of genomic medicine and move us one step closer to a world free of trial-and-error medicine forever.


 Client Success

I have found the Grillo Group team to be very effective at helping people focus on and communicate the "why" in whatever a project entails. If you're wondering how to convert Simon Sinek's thoughts on "start with the why" into action, I'd suggest Maria is on your list of people to call. She folds in the "what" and "how" in a way that results in a refreshing, compelling call-to-action.

Murray Ancell, Director, NorthShore University HealthSystem Foundation

Deep dive into clinical and research subject matter
Competitive analysis
Stakeholder interviews and internal consensus building
Key attributes and related messaging by audience
Theme line
Case statement brochure content and design
Thought leader profiles
Testimonials development
Articulating giving opportunities
NorthShore Personalized Genetic Medicine case statment covers and interior spreads.
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